Welcome to DX Guides
18 February 2025
The DX Guides for shortwave and mediumwave are maintained on the website of the British DX Club at www.bdxc.org.uk (please refer to the Articles Index page).
For convenience links to the BDXC site for each guide are also provided on the "Shortwave" and "Mediumwave" pages (tabs above).
This site also offers a variety of radio-related features, so please drop by now and again to see what has been added.
The A25 season will commence on Sunday 30 March 2025 and new guides will be available as soon as possible after this date.
Good listening, Tony
Tony Rogers
Birmingham, UK
Email: dxguides@gmail.com
With the help of DXers and listeners worldwide, the guides are corrected and updated regularly. Thanks to the following for their assistance during 2024 (in alphabetical order of surname): Franck Baste (France), Alexander Beryozkin (Russia), Franz Bleeker (Germany), Tim Gaynor (Australia), Stig Hartvig-Nielsen (Denmark), Noby Hasegawa (Japan), Glenn Hauser (USA), Jose Jacob (India), Dave Kenny (UK), Andy Lawendel (Italy), Vincent Lecler (France), Alex Miatlikov (Ukraine), Rihards Millers (Latvia), John Vinther Nielsen (Denmark), Alan Pennington (UK), Alan Roe (UK), Ćukasz Rzepecki (Poland), Atsuhiko Takezawa (Japan), Zenon Teles (India) and Rob Wagner (Australia), and also thanks to Ron Howard (USA) for permission to quote his very useful reports that are regularly posted to the World of Radio IO Group.
And acknowledging the many DXers and listeners who also report their logs and observations to magazines, newsletters and websites, as well as posting them to various online groups. Those I check regularly are: A-DX (IO Group), British DX Club (Communication and IO Group), Canadian International DX Club (CIDXC Messenger), DX India (IO Group), Glenn Hauser's Weekly Logs Roundup, EiBi (Eike Bierwirth), International Radio Club of America - IRCA (DX Monitor), Medium Wave Circle (MW News and IO Group), Rob Wagner's Mount Evelyn DX Report, National Radio Club - NRC (DX News), North American Shortwave Association - NASWA (NASWA Journal and NASWA Flashsheet), Now on the Radio DX, RUS-DX (Anatoly Klepov), Thomas Nilsson's Shortwave Bulletin, Wolfgang Bueschel's BC-DX, Glenn Hauser's World of Radio IO Group, and Ydun's Medium Wave Info (please see the DX Websites page for links to these sites and others).
Anything not right? Please do not hesitate to let me know. Thanks.