A look back at DXing and the radio scene in general from years gone by ...


Sweden Calling DXers in the 1970's

Many thanks to Mike Terry and Jerry Berg for these vintage SCDX bulletins from the 1970's.

1970  1971  1972  1973  1974  1975  1976  1977  1978  1979


DX Memories - a look back at ...

FEBA Seychelles

Libya on MW & SW

Radio in Afghanistan


Articles written by Alan Hardy for the British DX Club

The following originally appeared in BDXC's Communication magazine on the date stated in brackets.

Alan was a good friend who sadly passed away in November 1999. These well researched articles appear here in his memory.

Broadcasting in the Philippines (November 1991)

Brazilian Childhood: Listening Memories (February 1992)

The Early Days of the BBC (May 1992)

A Brief History of Vietnamese Broadcasting (July 1992)

Reflections on Broadcasting in Israel (September 1992)

History and Broadcasting in Austria (November 1992)

Europe's First Megawatt Longwave Transmitter - VOA Munich 1953-1973 (January 1993)

A Summary of Pre-War BBC Shortwave (April 1993)

A Brief History of Broadcasting in Poland (July 1993)

Shortwave Radio and the Great Outdoors (July 1993)

The GEC Superadio 7-2887A (October 1993)

The Wartime Civilian Receiver - The Utility Set (May 1994)

The Varying Fortunes of BBC Radio 3 - Mediumwave (June 1994)

Reflections on the BBC Transmitter Site at Woofferton (July 1994)

A Brief History of Westdeutscher Rundfunk (February 1995)

The Halcyon Days of Shortwave Listening (February 1995)

Argentine External Broadcasting (January 1996)

Notes on Early TV (October 1997)

Some Notes on Vintage BBC External Broadcasting in English (August 1998)

Focus on the BBC at Woofferton (September 1998)

Caltanissetta - One of the World's Oldest Shortwave Sites (October 1998)

Some Notes on Vintage Voice of America Operations (January 1999)

Alan Hardy - Obituary (by Tony Rogers, December 1999/February 2024)


Articles written by Tony Rogers for the British DX Club

The following originally appeared in BDXC's Communication magazine on the date stated in brackets

Radio Martí (June 1985)

Listening in Greece (September 1988)

Reunification of Germany (October 1990)

Luxembourg kills off 208 (December 1991)

Broadcasting in Chad (June 1992)

Broadcasting in Somalia (February/March 1993)

Spotlight on Bosnia and Herzegovina (September 1993)

Focus on Albania - The Pyramid Affair (April 1997)

Singapore on Shortwave (October 2005)

Indian Sub-Continent on the Tropical Bands (February 2005)

Ten Years of Radio Free Asia (September 2006)

All India Radio on the Tropical Bands (November 2006)

Broadcasting in Sierra Leone (June 2007)

Shortwave Broadcasting in Mauritius (August 2007)

Listening On - A Tribute to Sheila Hughes (October 2007)

Radio Centrafrique on Shortwave (August 2010)

The Moyabi Story (February 2017)

The 1982 Falklands War (April 2022 - BDXC Website only)