These are recommended pdf publications compiled and edited by fellow DXers

Music on Shortwave (edited by Alan Roe - updated 2 September 2024)

BBC World Service Programmes on Shortwave for A24 (edited by Alan Roe - updated 14 August 2024)

CGTN Radio Programmes on Shortwave for A24 (edited by Alan Roe - updated 16 August 2024)

Voice of America Programmes on Shortwave for A24 (edited by Alan Roe - updated 1 September 2024)

Texas Radio Shortwave (programme guide for 2024 by Terry Colgan of TRSW)

European Private Shortwave Stations (edited by Stig Hartvig Nielsen - final update 1 June 2024)

Stig Hartvig Nielsen no longer updates his "European Private Shortwave Stations" list. Please refer to Europe on Shortwave, where with the help of DXers and shortwave listeners we will try and keep schedules as up-to-date as possible. Thanks to Stig for his past efforts.



This is a selection of recommended websites that are maintained by fellow radio enthusiasts and groups

Arctic DX (Bjarne Mjelde)

Asiawaves (Alan Davies)

Asociación Española de Radioescucha - AER

BAMLog (Bruce Conti)

British DX Club

Canadian International DX Club

China AM Radio ID Database (Chris Kadlec)

Danish Shortwave Club International (DBS and TBM compiled by Anker Petersen)

DRM Shortwave Schedules (Chris Mackerell)

DX Fanzine (Antonello Napolitano)

DX India (Jose Jacob)

DX South Asia  (Jose Jacob)

DX Zone (Guide to DX-related websites)

DXing.info (Mika Mäkeläinen)

EiBi Shortwave Schedules (Eike Bierwirth)

Frequency Finder - England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland  (Paul Groves)

HF Underground

International Radio Club of America - IRCA

Interval Signals Online (Dave Kernick)

KG4LAC Listening Post (Kraig Krist)

Longwave Club of the Americas

Martin Schöch Radio Homepage

Media Network Vintage Vault (Jonathan Marks)

Medium Wave Circle

Medium Wave Info (Ydun Ritz)

Mount Evelyn DX Report (Rob Wagner)

My DXing - A Historical Archive (G Kock)

Nagoya DXers Circle (includes Shiganori Aoki's list)

National Radio Club - NRC

North American Shortwave Association - NASWA

Now on the Radio DX

On the Shortwaves - Shortwave History (Jerry Berg / John Herkimer)

Pacific-Asian Log - PAL Guide (Bruce Portzer)

Radio Activity (Alokesh Gupta)

Radio Heritage Foundation (The Co-operative Global Radio Memories Project)

Radio Jay Allen (Jay Allen)

Radio World ("The leading news source for broadcast radio professionals")

RUS-DX (Anatoly Klepov)

Shortwave Bulletin (Thomas Nilsson)

Shortwave Central (Gayle Van Horn)

Shortwave DX Blog (Free radio logs etc)

Shortwave Radio Audio Archive (Thomas Witherspoon)

South East Asia DXing (Timm Breyel)

SWL QSL Card Museum (curated by Bill McDavitt)

SWLing Post (Thomas Witherspoon)

Totsuka DXers Circle

World Radio History (David Gleason)

Worldwide DX Club - Top News (Wolfgang Bueschel)

Worldwide TV-FM DX Association